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Financial  ~  Food  ~  Clothing

Our Services

Financial Assistance

Clients can seek financial assistance with utilities bills (water, electrical, etc.) or rent.

Only Coweta County residents are eligible. 


Financial assistance is a one time service. It will be granted once per household.


Clients must complete an in-person application and provide the required support documents (including proof of income from at least the last 30 days).

Their application will then be reviewed before the financial support is granted.

Food Pantry

Clients can receive a voucher for a supplemental food box twice a month (never consecutive weeks).


The boxes are prepacked based on the size of the client's household. To receive food for everyone in the house clients must list their dependents on the application. Verification is required for all dependents and the client.


Verification: photo ID, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate.



** Diapers (infant and adult), baby formula, personal hygiene bundles, and pet food are also available upon request, when they are in stock.


Clients in need of clothing or shoes can also ask for a voucher to the thrift store for the needed items. 


These vouchers can be made for any present and verified household members once every 6 months.


The selection of clothing varies with donations that are received, and will shift with the seasons.

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